This is my Autoscopy project. I channeled my broken heart from a previous relationship where I was in an unhealthy situation where I had been cheated on and told I didn't look good enough. My boyfriend had been cheating on me with a girl who resembled a VS model-so thats what I used in this image. That if only I had looked like her, maybe I would have been good enough for him. (oh well, his loss) The images are shown at 100, 75, 50, 25, and 0% compression.
For my animation project, I wanted to capture the importance of how much media effects perception. The distorted, unrealistic expectations of body types and features seen in the media have negative impacts on young women and men. Cases like bulimia, anorexia, and many other eating disorders are caused by this type of media. I think its important to remind people that true beauty is individual. That everyone is different and everyone is unique. Nobody looks like the models on the cover of magazines- not even the models- they've been photoshopped to fit unrealistic standards as well. So don't overthink it. Find your true beauty.
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